Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Something a bit different

In my internet wanderings today I found something that really illustrates the power of modern technology and the internet to stretch the boundaries of creativity in the service of a cause. Now, it doesn't really have anything to do with photography per se. However, with the merging of videography and photography it illustrates a way for artists across the globe to collaborate. It is a music video cover of Ben E. King's classic song Stand By Me for an album called Playing for Change which was put together by the Concord Music Group. The video was recorded around the world with various street musicians progressively building off of previously recorded "sessions". Watch the video to understand what that means.

In a similar accomplishment, a week or two ago YouTube's first symphony orchestra performed at Carnegie Hall. The orchestra was composed of musicians from around the world who auditioned and practiced via YouTube videos. Go see the performance over on YouTube.

Both of these items illustrate how the internet can be used to bring creative artists together that otherwise would not have been able perform together in the past. The world is changing.

Keep shooting


Susan Isbell said...

Amazing!! Thank you for the link to the Stand by Me video. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Craig Lee said...

You're most welcome. I enjoyed it too, obviously ;-), so thought I would point it out to people.