Thursday, March 12, 2009

Snow and a Camera Tip


I've been practicing with lighting, but don't have anything to really show off from it yet. Instead, how about another snow image? It is hard to believe that a tad more than a week ago, the trees in my yard looked like the shot above. A couple of days later and the snow was all gone. Now it has been sunny and in the 70s-80s the past few days. I noticed that some of the neighborhood dogwoods are beginning to bud. So, it looks like you folks will get inundated with flower pictures soon enough. I bet you'll want to see more snow pictures before the flowers drop off. ;-)

Yesterday, I stumbled on a neat "feature" of my Nikon D80. I was reviewing the sharpness of an image on the LCD display when I accidentally turned the command dial on the back of the camera. To my surprise it advanced the image. The really cool thing about it though is that it advanced to the next image at the same zoom level in the same position as the previous image! Do you realize how easy this makes it to compare images for sharpness on the LCD? Before I would look at one image, zoom in several times, check the sharpness, zoom out until I got back to the full image, go to the next image I wanted to check, zoom in several times, and check that image, etc. Sometimes it took a lot of time and button presses. Now, I only have to zoom in on the first image and then move to the next image with the Command dial. This will be great for those times that I am shooting a series in continuous mode. I will have a better idea which one is sharpest and in less time with fewer buttons to press. I guess it is the little things that sometimes excite us.

Keep shooting.


Pixel Peeper said...

I miss the dogwoods in South Carolina! Looking forward to your pictures of them.

And don't you just love those neat little things that your camera can do, and you accidentally find them? ;-)

Craig Lee said...

Yeah. That feature came in handy today too. I went to photograph a 5k charity race. It helped to compare some shots quickly.

The dogwoods are just starting to bud now. I'm guessing they'll peak in a couple of weeks. That is if the recent snow storm didn't damage them.

Anonymous said...

Hi, I posted a very similalr photo on my blog on March 4th. It was so lovely to have the snow and to be able to capture it to enjoy later as well!

Angie S.